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Baby eating cheeseWhile snacking in our hotel room, Hubby & I shared some cheese with Buttercup. I don't even know what kind it was, but I think it was a mild cheddar. Anyway, she seemed to like it, but I don't think it liked her. It made her smell like rotten cheese all day, even after her bath. I don't know what the deal was, but it seemed to be emanating from her pores (and she definitely had bad breath the rest of the day). I'm not sure what that means? Ewwww!

I know cheese is tasty and all, but really there isn't anything in it nutritionally that Buttercup can't get from yogurt or other foods (except tons of salt) so maybe I will just leave this one for now.

PROS: easy to chew and swallow
CONS: messy/slimy, made my baby STINKY!!!


  1. 4 months old is really young to be starting solids, but I give your 3 cheers for doing it the right way!!!!!!!!!!!! Dairy products will reak havok on her system since the proteins are very hard for a baby to digest. BLW is very popular in Europe. America has lost sight of doing what's best for our babies, and we're so focused on who can do it faster and easlier. :(
    My daughter was exclusively breastfed until 7 months, and we started with sweet potato and avocado (avocado is an AWESOME BLW food since it's naturally mushy and soooo healthy) and didn't have meats or dairy until 15 months old. She is still nursing at 23 months old and still gags on cow and goat milk. :)

  2. I agree that 4 months is too young for solid foods. My baby was exclusively breastfed until 6 months, and that's what I would recommend to all moms.

    Yeah, and I won't be doing cheese again for awhile. I could tell her system wasn't ready for it. Ya live and learn!
