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Introducing baby to solid plum
This is a great early food for introducing solid foods to your baby. The flesh is soft and easily managed by baby. For some reason, though, I only just finally got around to buying some even though they are currently in season.

We actually had two "first tries" of plum. The first time I didn't think to check if the plum was ripe yet or not. It wasn't... Buttercup was a little trooper, though, and gave it a puckery try. I tried it again after a few days of ripening and she seemed much more pleased with the experience. She sucked all the fruit off of her first slice and most of a second. It's still amazing to me how well she does at holding on to the peel and sucking the fruit off things.

PROS: another great fruit for the repertoire
CONS: should be properly ripened due to tartness

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