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Giveaway: Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook

That's right – we’re doing a giveaway! The authors of the original "Baby-Led Weaning" book have come up with a cookbook, "The Baby-led Weaning Cookbook: Over 130 Delicious Recipes for the Whole Family to Enjoy” and have graciously offered me a copy to give to one of my loyal readers.
This book offers comprehensive recipes and meal plans to follow so the entire family can take part in making your child a happy and confident eater. It also includes: simple advice on how to start; essential at-a-glance information on nutrition and food safety; and, ideas for quick snacks and lunch boxes as well as desserts and family dinners.

   Limited to US/Canada residents only
   To enter, leave a comment on this post with your baby's favorite BLS food
   Winner will be selected at random
   Giveaway expires Friday, April 29, 2011



  1. I didn't completely use baby-led weaning with DS who is 9 months, but he does love grilled cheese sandwiches. But let's be honest, who doesn't? Bread, cheese, butter, fried, you really can't go wrong.

    I'm due with our second in July and I want to do more baby-led weaning from the beginning with her, so this book would be great. My fingers are crossed.

  2. My 8 month old LOVES lasagna bake (its tomato sauce, ground turkey, noodles, cottage cheese, spices, and mozzarella on top) He cannot get enough of it.

    Morgan @

  3. My DS LOVES whole wheat rotini noodles tossed with herbs & garlic in olive oil and cinnamon baked apples for dessert :) And we LOVE BLS!

  4. My daughter loves anything with tomato sauce. Lasagna, spagetti, any random noodle with sauce and veggies. :)

    I found you via the Jan 10 board on BBC. And while I didn't follow BLS completely with my little one (she has Down syndrome and didn't have the motor skills to feed herself when we started solids) I am am planning on complete BLS the second time around!

    bmbunner at hotmail dot com

  5. My 8 month old daughter's favorite BLS food is tofu!!! She loves it, and would eat it everyday!!

  6. We are just starting BLS and I LOVE this blog, I refer to it daily for ideas and inspiration!

    DD's favorite food right now is sadly plain toast. She is teething and I think she likes the crunchiness against her gums.

    So far I've offered her toast, sweet potato fries, roasted carrots, grilled chicken breast strips, rotini (her second favorite- I think I have a carbo-holic on my hands!), oatmeal balls mixed with her different purees that I got off of the BBC BLW board, avocado, rice, cucumber, banana and I'm sure I'm missing something.

    Thanks again for the great BLOG!

  7. My baby's favorite food is lasagna. She looooves tomato sauce on noodles!

  8. We love BLS!! And i love when someone sees Sawyer eat food on his own and they are like "wow!! that is cool." haha... we love it and have so much fun with it. And Sawyer has so much fun too.

    i would have to say his favorite is PEAR!!!

    thanks for having such a great blog!

  9. eeek... i dont know how to post with my name. or how to post so you know how to contact me if i win. oh well!! im glad to post anyway =0)

  10. I naturally did bls with my first. Baby foods and purees just seemed counter to biology. I don't think our ancestors went through all that effort. =) he loved any kind of steamed veggie. He's 4 now and always willing to try new things.

    I couldn't do bls with my 2nd. She has oral motor dysphasia and a metabolic disorder that now requires a ketogenic diet.

    My 3rd is four months and although he displays all the readiness signs, I don't introduce solids until at least 6 months. But I will be doing bls with him, and I'm so glad you have this blog!

  11. DD is only 2 months so nowhere near there yet but my DS's favourite was the infamous "whatever'sonmommy'splate" food. ;)

  12. After emergency open heart surgery resulting in oral aversions, BLW has been the only way my 8mo old will ingest food! Sadly, I've had to teach all his therapists about BLW, but they've been very open to it.

    Avocado is Mason's favorite at the moment!

  13. steamed peas with olive oil, lemon & salt & pepper for sure! I think that was the first food he LOVED!

  14. My little man's absolute favorite BLS food I would have to say is steamed peas! However his very first favorite was banana and steamed carrots!

    I was so happy when I found out about BLW/BLS and I have loved the conversations I've had with moms, new and old, about it! I would love this book to read for myself, but also to maybe give away to someone else in that could benefit from it! =]

  15. We just started but so far it's been cucumber sliced in sticks... of all things, right?! lol

  16. We love BLS! It has been such a no-stress, fun way to feed our daughter. Her favorites are black beans, blueberries, broccoli, an cheese. (not all together, of course!

  17. My daughter is 11 months old, and a couple weeks ago we decided to give her pieces of the chicken quesadillas we were having. She looooved it! Oh and homemade mac & cheese. :)

  18. We've only been doing BLS for a few weeks but baked sweet potatoes have been a huge hit so far.

  19. Anytime there is garlic involved, my 10mo gobbles it right up! Although peas and pears are pretty popular as well...

  20. I'm starting BLS next weekend since my baby seems ready, and he'll be 6 months. He doesn't have a favorite food yet, but I plan on starting with avocado. :)

  21. We're fairly new to the BLS process (LO is almost 7 months) and I think his favorite food so far is banana.

  22. Jonah LOVES broccoli and egg yolk (though he had a bit of a skin reaction to that)! He has also tried honeydew, beans, avocado, yogurt, applesauce (pre-loaded on a spoon), waffle, toast, etc. He also LOVEs to drink water out of a real cup!

  23. I wish I had knows about BLS from the begining but we are loving it now. My LO loves my homemade mini muffins that I make using infant cereal. He used to love carrots but now seems to have moved on to sweetpotato and cuccumber.

  24. Baked sweet potato sticks sprinkled with cinnamon! It was part of DD's first meal at home, it was her first meal at daycare, and she still loves them at almost 19 months! :)

  25. My soon to be 9 month old's favorite BLS is Sweet Potato Fries!!!! He can eat these all day!!!!! Yummy:)

  26. My Ds loves TORTELLINI. He could eat all day long... To make it healthier, i make home made sauce with tons of veg and of course before serving i add some grated cheese... Big hit here!!

  27. We haven't started BLS yet because my daughter isn't ready but I've read your blog from start to finish and have done lots of research online. She's almost 5 months so we'll be there soon! This book would be great to have! I also need to get the other one to read too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. I just finished reading the BLW book, and loved it!! We haven't started yet, so no favorite food yet, but thats because she's only 4.5 months old, looking forward to starting with Avacado and Cucumbers in about 6 weeks (husband really wants her to try cucumbers first for some reason, lol)

  29. I'm adding you to my daily reads feed! We just started BLS and our little ones favorite is pickles. Strange, I know!

  30. My grandson just started solid food, so his favorite is rice cereal.

  31. My daughter loves broccoli and beef stir-fry!

  32. My 8 month old daughter has been a real nibbler, until we fed her scrambled egg yolk (with BM)! She sure gobbled that up. A close second is yogurt - another favourite!

    We stumbled on BLS after getting the wall trying to feed purees. It's no fun trying to feed your kid and having to avoid getting it in her ear as her head turns side to side. Since starting BLS, my hubby and I comment everyday how much fun meal times are now!

    Your blog is great and has been a fantastic resource for ideas on how to start specific foods. Thank you!


  33. My little guy's favorite is chicken and dumpling soup (minus the broth for him). MY favorite to give him, however, is roast beef because it's virtually mess-free. :)

  34. Carrots, carrots, and more carrots- he's starting to turn orange I think :)

  35. I haven't started Asa on (Baby-led) solids yet, but still wanted to try and win! I can't wait to get him started on some fresh veggies and fruit. Was so tempted to offer him some steamed broccoli the other night, but he's not 6 mths until May 4th, so I didn't. : ) I'm also looking forward to sharing meals with him because I know that will make me eat better, so a cook book would be great!

  36. My daughter LOVES cheese... cheese... and more cheese!

  37. We just started BLW, but so far banana is the favorite for my little one.

  38. Polenta sticks and bean patties. He loved both since they were both basically purees cooked so he could hold them,.

  39. My 9 month old loved avocado until she got a taste of sweet potato! So sweet potato is definitely her favorite! We've been doing BLS since she was 6 months old and she has never had a puree nor rice cereal. It's great to have her sit with us and eat as opposed to taking turns eating!

  40. So excited I found this blog! My daughter is not quite 6 months old, so she doesn't have many 'favorites' yet aside from mama's milk. She does love sucking on an apple though, if we happen to hold it near her mouth. Would love this book!

  41. So far bananas are the winner! Would love this book! Thank you!

  42. My 6 month old loves roasted sweet potatoes, especially mushing them all over the dinning room table. He is just now getting his fist tooth so hopefully we can get a little more adventurous at meal times :)

  43. My almost 7 month old loves bananas best so far!!

  44. Just about any fruit but my son's most favorite would probably be plums.

  45. Mango slices are my baby's absolute favorite. He can have them at every meal or snack time. I use organic mangoes.

  46. My daughter is not quite ready for food yet, but I'm excited to start trying. We suspect that broccoli and carrots will be our favorites!

  47. We are just getting started-- but our son loves sucking on an apple!

  48. My 9 month old LOVES avocado and any kind of meat!

  49. We are just starting BLW so we don't have a favorite yet, but this list gave me a ton of great ideas!

  50. My baby girl is only 4 months old, so nothing but breastmilk for her! but I really want to do BLW, so this book would be awesome to have!

  51. Aubree, 8 months old loves everything (takes after her mother). I would say her most favorite food is kiwi. Thank you for this blog!

  52. Just found out about your site, and I can't wait to start doing BLW with my 6mo DD. It would be so awesome to win this book. Thanks so much for such a wonderful blog! Really looking forward to some fun times ahead with DD.

  53. Avocado!!!!!!! It is a favorite that has stuck.

    I would love to do better at flavoring. I get stuck in the bland.

  54. My 11 month old daughter loves feeding herself whatever we are eating. I think her first favorite was green beans, though!

  55. steamed Peas!!

  56. I think it's a toss up between banana and sweet potato for my 7 month old right now. We've been at it for almost a month and he's really taken to BLS this past week!

  57. My daughter loves pasta! Any kind of pasta! (just like her mother!)
    cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

  58. our daughter's favorite is carrots
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  59. my daughter LOVES just about everything, but especially grapes, pasta, tomatoes... off the top of my head ;)

  60. Taco fillings heaped in a bowl: seasoned ground beef, refried beans, brown rice, and shredded cheddar. She goes crazy for it!

  61. Noodles!

  62. we liked lasagna and blueberries best

  63. Chicken, potatoes and dumplings (pureed).

  64. Our almost 9 mo girl loves lamb and broccoli!
