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Cereal, take 2

Contrary to popular myth, baby cereal should not be the staple of an infant's diet. The American Academy of Pediatrics has published new research that proves giving baby cereal to babies causes all kinds of health problems, obesity and diabetes to name just a couple. Check out this article for more information. That is why the basis of Buttercup's diet has always been fresh fruits and veggies. For her occasional cereal she gets plain old breakfast cereal. Her favorite is Multigrain Cheerios, which is a good thing since it happens to be among the healthiest cereals out there.

With all the snow we've gotten lately, I have regressed to my childhood "snow day" breakfast of Cream of Wheat, and I thought it would be fun to share the experience with Buttercup. I cooked it the way I always do, then set some aside to cool and set. When it was semi-solid I cut it into chunks. The first time we had this Buttercup wasn't such a fan. She liked it a lot more the second time around, though. It's always best to keep trying a new food -sometimes babies just aren't in the mood to try new things, but they later learn to love the new food. 

I would definitely consider Cream of Wheat to be a special treat breakfast since it is a "white" food, but as part of a balanced diet it is a-okay. 

PROS: another breakfast option, loaded with iron
CONS: white food, use sparingly


  1. We're just starting solids. I haven't heard anything about White Foods. What is the issue with them?

  2. Hi, Kristin. Here is a good article about white foods and babies. Basically, the more processed something is, the less nutrients it has, and the worse it is for you. Hope this is helpful for you:
