Informational Pages

Great Baby-Led Solids Article

I don't usually do this, but I stumbled upon a really top notch article yesterday on It is written by a mom who is doing baby-led solids with her third child. To sum up: baby-led solids is a natural, commonsense approach to introducing your baby to solid foods. There is also a nice bit of history of purees and formulas in there. 

This article would be a great thing for you newbies to email to skeptical family members (along with sending them to my blog, of course!). 

You can read more by this writer at her blog:


  1. Just wanted you to know that I shared this article (and your blog!) on facebook yesterday and I have been receiving LOTS of positive feedback. Some of my mommy friends hadn't ever heard of this and are now considering it for their little ones. Others did versions of baby-led-solids with their older children with great results! My LO is only 3.5 months, but I am SOOO excited to share this info and to get started with my LO when he is ready. Thanks for sharing your journey with Buttercup!

  2. Oh great! Thanks for the publicity - HA HA! Enjoy your little one while he's tiny. They grow up too quickly. Can't believe Buttercup is over a year...
