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Peanut Butter Toast

I always tell people that if they're going to do baby-led solids then they need to offer their babies nutritious, healthy foods. I'm shocked to hear stories of people who claim to be doing baby-led solids regularly giving their babies junk food. I am passionate about Buttercup loving healthy food. That is why I almost always give her fruits and veggies, and portions from our own healthily prepared meals. Sometimes, though, there is no food in the house. And for those times I am thankful for peanut butter toast. This isn't a regular food of Buttercup's, but I do bust it out when I haven't got much to offer her in the protein department. I use Smucker's natural PB, because it only has one ingredient (peanuts, duh), and I put it on whatever whole wheat toast I happen to have on hand. 

I mention in my previous post on spreads that the American Academy of Pediatrics has lifted their allergy "ban" on peanut butter for babies. If you have a family history then be more cautious than I am. I do make sure that I don't spread the peanut butter too thick, as that could gunk up the windpipe. 

When Buttercup was 6ish months, I would give her long strips of toast (look how teensy she was!) to make it easier for her to handle. But, now I cut one-inch squares for her. It is easier for her to eat, and less messy since she isn't squishing peanut butter in her fists. 

Buttercup does love her peanut butter and will eat 3/4 of a slice of peanut butter toast, all the while making smacking noises with her lips. Very funny. And, in case you're wondering if toast is too hard for babies without teeth? The answer is "no." Babies have so much drool in their mouths that toast instantaneously turns to mush. 

PROS: good source of protein and easy to prepare
CONS: messy hands


  1. I saw a post you put up on a mom's message forum and there was a link to this blog. I love it! You have some really great resources I hadn't come across before and it has so much information so well laid out. We did BLW/BLS with out now 20 month old son and my husband has said to me multiple times he thinks it's one of the best decisions we have made. It's great to see other people doing it too! We jusdt had another little one a month ago and can't wait to do it all over again! Great blog :)

  2. Is Buttercup 10 months? I'm trying to compare to my daughter and what/how she eats.

  3. Aimee! Thanks so much. That means so much to me. I'm really trying to get the word out, as well as be a resource for parents starting out.

    Miriam, yes, she's 10 months. Have you noticed the "search by week" feature at the top? You can see what Buttercup has eaten at each week of her development. That might be useful? Email me with specific questions, too! GOOD LUCK!

  4. Yes. I love seeing each food. I just wanted to double-check my math. :)

  5. aww she was so teeny tiny! Sweet Huttercup! :-)

    I haven't thought about peanut butter yet... I'll have to give it a try!

  6. Ooh I cannot wait for Lainey to try pb! I will wait until she is just over a year but yes I agree it is a great source of protein for our babes! Our fall backs right now are homemade egg salad and chicken salad on toast strips! I really love her to have the chicken salad as I put onion and celery in it so I know she is getting several food groups in one meal easily! And we alwayssss start her off with some fruit and/or veg on nights she has the unhealthy fun stuff (like pizza!)That way my mind is at ease that she has gotten in the healthy stuff before being exposed to the fun stuff because otherwise she reaches for the fun stuff first (like her mommy oops!)

  7. Yep! Fruits & veggies are best! Good job, mama.

  8. We will be starting BLS in 4 days with our 6 month and 2 week old :) and are super excited! Quick question : how do you prepare the toast for a 6 month old? Toasted and crispy? For some reason I don't think un-toasted toast is good cause it's too mushy and may be hard to swallow. Let me know! Thanks for a great blog! Will definitely be referring to it!

  9. Hey, Jackie!
    Here is our first try with toast (when Buttercup was 6 months):

    Yeah, I think untoasted is too soggy, too. Hope this helps! GOOD LUCK!
